Oftentimes when international crimes, genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes are discussed the connection between these crimes and the environment is ignored or often discussed tangentially instead of in direct connection with or as a possible motive for the commission of international crimes. The connection between the environment and mass atrocities and the actions of perpetrators is under-discussed. For example, many activists from Myanmar have raised the issue of the military junta’s source of income being derived from Jade mines in the Kachin region or pearls from the Tanintharyi region. Recent reports indicate gold mining is one of the underlying issues fueling the genocide in Sudan.
2022 Environmental Crimes and Protection Conference Program

March 18, 2022
Virtual Conference
2021 Environmental Crimes and Protection Conference Program
Pomme D’Or Hotel, St. Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands
Follow us on Twitter: @commongoodfdn #ECPC2021
Registration here
In partnership with The Jersey Law Commission, The Resolution Journal, the Jersey International Centre of Advanced Studies and sponsored by The World Peace through Law Section of the Washington State Bar Association, Save Our Shoreline Jersey, Earth Protect Jersey. This program has been approved for 7.5 CPD credits by the Jersey Law Society.
Continue reading 2021 Environmental Crimes and Protection Conference ProgramCall for Papers: 2020 Environmental Crimes Conference

The Common Good Foundation in partnership with Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust, The Center for World Indigenous Studies, The Jersey Law Commission, and The Resolution Journal, is hosting the 2nd Environmental Crimes Conference on October 1st and 2nd 2020 in St. Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands, United Kingdom.
Continue reading Call for Papers: 2020 Environmental Crimes Conference