CFP: Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Conference


The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1966.  Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ESCR) are interlinked and States have an obligation to respect, fulfill, and protect these rights. ESCR are also found in other treaties such as the Convention against the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD), and Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). In addition, ESCR are also found in regional instruments in different parts of the world.  Given the prevalence of ESCR in international and regional conventions, this conference seeks to examine how much progress has been made on realizing these rights.

The Common Good Foundation in partnership with The Jersey Law Commission will be hosting a 1-day conference dedicated to ESCR. This inter-disciplinary conference welcomes scholars, practitioners, activists who work in areas of protection, fulfillment, and realization of these rights from around the world.

Some suggestions for abstracts/papers include:

• Effectiveness of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
• Effectiveness of the work of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights treaty body
• The intersection of ESCR and other international and/or regional conventions
• ESCR and enforcement mechanisms
• Broadening the scope of ESCR to include other types of rights
• ESCR in The Channel Islands
• Intersections and/or relationships between:
 ESCR and how it is provided to different groups, such as: ethnic, religious, linguistic minorities, indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities, children, the elderly, refugees, women, and LGBTQ+ persons
 ESCR and the environment (including oceans and climate change)
 ESCR and Artificial Intelligence
 ESCR and law
 ESCR and connections to other types of human rights violations and/or crimes

Other topics which are not listed here but are connected to ESCR are welcome.

Abstracts are due Monday, April 15, 2024.


Abstracts/Presentations which are accepted for the conference will have an opportunity to publish their article in the Special Edition issue for The Resolution Journal, dedicated to ESCR. This conference follows up on a previous report published by The Common Good Foundation, Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and Indigenous Groups in Asia.

This conference will be held in person, in St. Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands on Friday, July 12, 2024. No travel stipends are available, all participants must handle their own expenses. There may be a minimal registration fee.  

To learn more about Jersey, please visit:

Protecting Minority Rights in the face of Mass Atrocities – Conference

The Common Good Foundation is excited to partner with Dr. Narissa Ramsundar, Professor at Canterbury Christ Church University (UK) to host “Examining Human Rights violations against minority groups” on July 14, 2022 from 9 am – 5 pm. This one day conference will examine minority rights from around the world and what mechanisms have done to address human rights violations. This conference compliments a previous report examining minority rights published by the Common Good Foundation which can be found here.


ECOR concludes 2022 Milieura International Conference

The Earth, Climate and Ocean Research Foundation based in Kerala, India has concluded its two day conference titled, “Milieura- One Earth for All of Us: Changing Climate and Environment” which took place virtually on June 11th and 12th. The international conference featured select speakers from around the world. The conference addressed an area of topics which included climate change, oceans, and best practices to work together on environmental issues. The Common Good Foundation was excited to be a Knowledge Partner for this Conference.

Continue reading ECOR concludes 2022 Milieura International Conference

United Nations Must Act to Protect Religious Minorities in Burma

The Common Good Foundation, along with 90 plus organizations and individuals, has signed a joint letter calling upon the UN Secretary General to stop rampant violations of religious freedom in Burma by the Burmese military.

Continue reading United Nations Must Act to Protect Religious Minorities in Burma

Call for Papers: Environmental Crimes Law Conference 2019

The Common Good Foundation in partnership with The Resolution Centre, Jersey Law Commission, and The Resolution Journal, is hosting an Environmental Crimes Law Conference October 31st and November 1st 2019 in St. Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands.

The purpose of the conference is to bring together diverse professionals from different disciplines to discuss emerging trends and responses to environmental crimes. The conference welcomes papers on topics such as (but not limited to):

  • Wildlife crimes
  • Environmental criminal laws, policies, or prosecutions  
  • The impact of environmental crimes on specific communities 
  • Environmental/Social movements which respond to or address an environmental crime
  • Technological responses to environmental crime

All papers that are accepted will have an opportunity for publication in The Resolution Journal, an open access law journal.

The conference fee will be £150 per person. All expenses will be paid for by the attendee, there are no stipends offered for travel or other expenses. Further information for registration will be posted by September.

If you are interested in presenting, please submit the following to Regina Paulose: reginapaulose at gmail dot com:

  • A brief bio
  • Abstract – 300 words

The deadline for abstract submission is Friday, September 6, 2019.  Notifications of acceptance will be delivered by early September.

A working rough draft of the accepted paper for the conference will be due by October 20, 2019.

Stop the shark fin trade!

The Common Good Foundation (CGF) has joined Shark Allies to stop the shark fin trade in Florida. CGF submitted a report on criminal activities that do and may occur as a result of the shark fin trade in Florida.

Passage of the Florida Bill would also prevent the state’s complicity in the criminal activity that surrounds the fin trade.

CGF Report

Want to learn more about the Fin trade? Check out the Shark Allies website for more information on the Florida campaign. For more information on the UK campaign please visit the Fin Fighters website.

Inaugural 2018 Mass Atrocity and Human Rights Law Seminar

The Common Good Foundation sponsored the inaugural Mass Atrocity and Human Rights: Legal Responses and Continued Challenges at Seattle University School of Law June 20 -22, 2018.

The creator of this legal seminar is the Executive Director of the Common Good Foundation, Regina Paulose. The seminar was the part of Seattle University School of Law’s Summer Practice Academy for 2018. She was also the Chair of this year seminar.

If you were unable to attend the course in person, you can still take the course via the webinar platform here. You can learn more about the event here